30. Dating with a Disability or Chronic Illness
The Queer ChristianJuly 05, 2024x
00:26:0023.81 MB

30. Dating with a Disability or Chronic Illness

Almost half its users are Queer: Dateability is a dating app designed for the disabled and chronically ill communities.

Individuals with disabilities or chronic illness often encounter problems on dating apps. Alexa and Jacqueline Child have created Dateability, a safe and accepting space to find meaningful connections for people with physical, intellectual, and psychiatric disabilities.

To learn more about Dateability:


Quote from Autism Research Center: https://autism.org/lgbtq-and-autism/

Elton’s Three Affirming Podcasts:

Bible and Homosexuality: An LGBTQ Positive View


The Queer Christian: Navigating Faith, Church and the Bible:


La Biblia y La Homosexualidad - Valorando Minorías Sexuales: https://open.spotify.com/show/1prENuZWHDjYUsiRU684pd

Elton’s Three Rotary Podcasts:

Development Success Stories: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ezxqZIuL6OMFHC7dYLhNK

Inspiring Solutions for a Better World: https://open.spotify.com/show/4IDQhRnwnT1iqINDJo6rXc

The Weekly Rotarian:


To learn more about the Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley: https://siliconvalleyrotary.com/