I am 12-years old and gay.
In 2001, Ryan Robertson, 12-years old, reached out to his mother on Instant Messenger. Their lives forever changed.
Then, 11 years later, Linda Robertson told their story publicly on Facebook, hoping that it would help other families avoid the missteps and pain they experienced.
Here is the original Facebook post, read and dramatized by AI generated voices. I have changed only a few words for clarity.
Linda’s website and original FB post: https://justbecausehebreathes.com/
Helpful resources recommended by Linda: https://justbecausehebreathes.com/resources/
Linda and Ryan’s Story:
Linda’s blog: https://justbecausehebreathes.com/blog-posts/
Long version filmed at Towne View Baptist Church in Kennesaw, GA in May 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3xiDek0aXg
Shorter version at NorthPoint Church in Atlanta from May 2021, which includes a question-and-answer session (helpful for parents):
You can also view their story as part of the movie: For They Know Not What They Do, available on:
Amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/They-Know-Not-What-Do/dp/B08HQYQJLC/
and iTunes: https://tv.apple.com/us/movie/for-they-know-not-what-they-do/umc.cmc.2fm6il6v1aw47v5nvdv16w1nc
Linda’s Parent Support Group that meets every Wednesday: https://fs9.formsite.com/4BUph1/amlfznmjbc/index.html
The QChristian Fellowship: https://www.qchristian.org/
The QChristian Fellowship Parent team: https://www.qchristian.org/parents
Podcast produced by: Elton Sherwin
Audio edited and enhanced with: Descript Studio Sound
AI synthesized speech: Speechelo and Descrpt